English - 5th Grade


5th GRADE😃

Hello boys and girls!😀

We have started UNIT 4: DISASTER!

We are learning about WEATHER WORDS☀☁☂☃☄☆⛅🌞🌄🌂

Cloudy, sunny, winter, autumn, spring, summer, windy, foggy, rainy, stormy,...

Today is Wednesday, 13th of January, 2021

It´s sunny and veeeeeery cold

It´s winter!

Yesterday was Tuesday. Tomorrow wil be Thursday.

I´m very happy because we are startig Second Term :)

Today we have learnt how to use PAST CONTINUOUS

Recordamos las diferencias entre PRESENT CONTINUOUS y PAST CONTINUOUS

Pista: Solo cambiamos el verbo TO BE😍



I am listening

You are speaking

He/She/It is sleeping

We are studying

You are jumping

They are eating

I was drinking

You were sleeping

He/She/It was studying

We were walking

You were Reading

They were listening

Utilizamos el "Past Continuous" para hablar de cosas que hemos realizado en el PASADO.

 Por ejemplo:

 I was studying Maths yerterday (Yo estaba estudiando matemáticas ayer)

You weren´t drinking water (Tú no estabas bebiendo agua)

Was she sleeping? (¿Estaba ella durmiendo?)

Were they jumping? (¿Estaban ellos saltando?)

Os dejo un par de fichitas:

Past Continuous

Past Continuous II

(Último día para enviarme las fichas intercativas el lunes 18 de enero)

I send you a lot of kisses 😗

Teacher Ana 💜