5th Grade - English


Hello everyone!!! How are you today? :)

I´m excited because today is Friday!! YAYY!!

Today is Friday, 19h February, 2021

It´s foggy, cloudy and cold

It´s winter

Yesterday was Thursday and tomorrow will be Saturday.

We are learning about...


From pages 50 to 55

We already know the meaning of...

Wood, Wool, Metal, Plastic, Rubber, Brick, Glass, Silver, Gold, Paper, Card, Bone, Teeth, Leather...

A lot of wordssss!!! ;)

We also know hoy to use MADE OF.

For instance: 

-The table is made of wood. 

-My jacket isn´t made of gold. 

-What are pencils made of?

Do you know how to use it? Write three sentences!

Escribe en un papel 3 oraciones (una afirmativa, una negativa y una pregunta usando el MADE OF)

Mira el libro si lo necesitas.

Os dejo 3 fichitas interactivas para que practiquéis:

Made Of

Made of 2


(Lee como lo hacemos en clase)

See you on Monday!!! :)

Teacher Ana (L)