Buenas tardes mis niños y niñas de sexto. A continuación os dejo unos enlaces de vídeos sobre lo que estamos trabajando en clase y me gustaría que contestaseis en vuestros cuadernos a las siguientes preguntas. No olvides copiar los enunciados.

1.  Write whether the sentences are true or false.

Matter is anything that take up space and has a mass.  _______

Its state can be solid, liquid and gas.    ___________

All matter isn´t made of atoms. __________

Atoms can join together to form molecules. ___________

A pure substance consists of all the same element or compound. _________

A solution is an homonegeous mixture ________

2.  Answer the questions. Write some examples.

a) What is an homogeneous mixture? _________________________


b) What is a heteregeneous mixture? __________________________



3. Complete. 

     solute        another       solvent        dissolved        substance 

Mixtures can be made when one ____________ is __________ in ___________.

The substance that dissolves is called the ________.

The other substance is the __________.


Ánimo. Un abrazo. 💪